Menampilkan postingan dari 2017
Text Of Speech
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Relationship between everlasting nature, healthy environment, and equal construction for better future Assalamualaikum warrahmatullahi wabarrakatuh Good morning, and best wishes to all of us. Before i begin to deliver my speech, i would like to invite you to thank to Allah the almighty, who has given us mercy and blessing, so we can meet together in this blessing place. Ladies and gentlemen, It be a great honor for me, to stand right here int front of you all to give a short speech about relationship between everlasting nature, healthy environment, and equal constructions for better future. In modern times just like now, there have been many changes going on around us, the technological advances that have taken place, the built-in development, solely to meet the endless needs of humans. In line with the technological advances and developments, we should also be aware of the importance of maintaining and protecting the nature in which we stand. Because what...
Latepost III : Task of english course in friday may 19th, 2017
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TASK 4 1. What is speech? 2. What aspect you must have in speech and before delivering the speech? 3. Prepare a topic of speech for final examination! Answer : 1. What is speech? Speech is an activity in front of public, or oration by someone for declare or represent an opinion, idea, thought, or overview about something that is considered important and worthy for discuss. 2. The aspect inside the speech are : a. Opening greetings b. Content of the speech c. Messages and meanings contained in the speech d. Closing greetings Before delivering the speech we must prepare : a. Set the theme of the speec...
Latepost II : My Future Business
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My Future Business Hello, how are you today?? I hope you guys are all fine. Today i would like to invite you to talk a ittle about our business in the future. Let’s make our little dreaming in the future for a while. Talking about the future will certainly be an interesting topic to discuss, because we do not know what will happen to us, and we are the only people who will decide what we will become in the future. Talking about the future , i would be very interested when discussing about what i will do later. Being an entrepreneur has been my dream for a long time. What business i will chose still a ridle until now. But, if i have an opportunity to choose it, then i will choose to become a hydroponic plant entrepreneur. Why???? Hydroponic is the cultivation of planting by utilizing water without using soil with emphasis on the fulfillment of nutritional needs for plant, with more efficient water usage. In addition to environmentally friendly properties, hydroponic also has ...
Latepost : TUTORIAL HOW TO...
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Tutorial : How to do prusiking for beginnner Prusiking is a technique used by nature activists, or wall climbing athlete for climb the steep hill, or climb a peak with simple equipment and easy to carry. Here i will explain the steps in doing prusiking technique. First : Prepare the required equipments needed for prusiking, like kermantle rope, prusik rope, webbing rope, carabiner, helmet, and gloves. kernmantle rope C...
english course in this week (watching movie at classroom)
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Watching movie in the class for the first time. akeelah and the bee, sound foregin for me, but we must watch it because there is a task to do after the movie. So, we enjoy it. Question according to the movie : 1. Who is your favourite character in this movie? Why do you like him/her? Answer : Akeelah Anderson. Because, she completely is a humble person, kind-hearted, talented, other than that, she can spread goodness to others. 2. What is your favourite scene? What has that scene thought you? Answer : My favourite scene is when akeela keep learning without his spelling coach, and she get a thousand teachers around her, it start from her mother. She get her spirit back, and get support from every people. I can thought that there is always a solution to every problem we've face, when we do not despair and always try to do the best as long as we can do. 3. Mention at least ten words in spelling with their definition from the movie! Answer : ...
Ask an Expert
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This time i would like to write and share about my frind, Arie Pamungkas. We were friend since first time in college, he is my classmate. Arie like drawing,one of his concern is face sketching. A couple days ago i took time to interview him and talk about his hobby. me : Hi, Arie. arie : Hi, Dian. How are you? me : Fine. Are you busy now? Because i need a little talk with you. arie : That's so? I'm not busy at all, what's the matter? me : I want to ask about your hobby on drawing. since when you started drawing? arie : Hahaha.. I like drawing since i was a child, sometimes i made it on the wall, but there was a time my mother bought me a drawing book. Not a good idea to make the wall dirty, right? me : Hahaha.. yeah, that's right. Butwhat kind of object do you like to draw? arie : I like drawing character, my favourite was kamen rider. Sometimes, i draw human figure. But as a child, it just a simple mark and circle. me ...
Last meet before mid test
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Yesterday is our last meeting in english course before our midterm exam in this semester. Each meeting in english course for me is more like a puzzle, unpredictable, but i said it again, i liked it. Because i like challenges, thrilling but exciting. Hahaha. At that meeting, we are reviewing the lesson that we've learned at previous meeting. we tested one by one, so we called one by one too based on our card attendance. I listened one by one question that is provided to my classmates, easy but sometimes difficult, until it was my turn, that's enough to make me pounding. But, i've thinking about my answer, not good enough may be. In fact that is the best answer that i can give at that time, it's okay. In the end, i realize that i was not quite ready to face the midterm exam. So, i must prepare my self harder than before. I'm still less to memorize about synonyms, and definition of a word. And this is what i create to prepare my self, just a little for now. Ado...
I Can’t Imagine Life Without Internet
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Hello reader, welcome back. Wednesday 29 ᵗʰ march 2017, this is third times we meet here. In this occasion I will tell about “I can’t imagine life without internet connection”. In human life in times like present, information is something that’s very important. In every element in this world, information is the main thing that was instrumental in the development and progress of these elements. And, can you guess? who has a role in disseminating this information to the entire world? I guess that is internet. Without the the internet connection, all of the information entire the world can’t be disseminated. No, not can be, but it will take very very long time to be known by everyone in the world. Because, in the days that we feel at this moment, all of the information, business, news, technology, knowledge and education, health, all of it can be accessed quickly and easily using an internet connection. I can’t imagine life without an internet connetion. May be if an internet ...
my second meeting in American Corner UNTAN
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Friday, march 24, 2017. Second meeting at american corner. At this time we were instructed to form a small discussion group that consist of two persons. This is not the first time for me, but i actually still feel nervous. But it's okay, i like it, because i like challenges. hahaha Evi Tamala is my partner in this task. We make a conversation about "international robot competition". this task train our ability to create an english conversation. And, the result is : Work in small groups, make a conversation about an international robot competition. Decide the purpose, discuss the features, describe appearance, give a name of the robot you willl make !! An International Robot Competition Dian : Hi Evi,where do you want to go? Evi : Hi Dian, no where, just walking arround here. Dian : Wait a moment,i have something to discuss with you. Evi : Okay, what’s up? Dian...
My Skills
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Hello, welcome back. Thursday, march 16 ᵗʰ 2017, finally we meet again here. In this occasion I will tell you about my skill, all about it. When I was child, became an architectural is my big dream. I loved art. Painting and drawing is one of my hobbies. In primary school, arts subject are subject that I will always wait every week. Yup, that just because I was liked it so much in that times. But, at the moment I do not seriously doing my hobby, and made me not so good at it. Time keep running, until I was in university, I’m starting to like making something that I have described on paper into a real form in 3D. Many stuff that I’ve made at that time, sometimes I can get some money from it. But, once again I felt like a failure, there is no progress, simply because there is no seriousness to do. In college, I had limited time to do my hobbies, the tight schedule of lectures, and many activities of the organization that I do, is a good reason for me. By the...
first meeting task in american corner
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Unit 4 : Robots in the home Look at the picture : The image show us about a husband and a wife. A husband who is reminded by his wife about health problem he suffered. wife : "The doctor says, you need to exercise more." husband : "Don't worry, i just bought a great new robot to help." Obesity he sustained required him to do an extra exercise at home, but he is a lazy man, he actually relax and watch a footbal match in tv, and instructed the robot to do his exercise. 1. Critical Cartoons. A. Warm Up Work with a partner or in small groups. Discuss the questions below. 1. How many electronoc devices have you used in the past 24 hours? List them! Answer : I've used at least nine electronic devices, there are a smartphone, television, laptop, computer, refrigerator, rice cooker, washing machine, air conditioner, printer, fan, camera. 2. what activities do robots do today? Wha...
writing about why i continue my study to university level?
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Why i continue my study to university level? That just a simple question, as simple as that. But hard to answered, hard to describe. I was made a long long story to achieve this level, to be on this current situation. Do you wanna to know the story? let's find out.. Seven years ago.. Shortly, when i've graduated from high school, that is the best day ever happened to me at that time. I can't explain how it feel, i just feel very happy, happy with my self, proud of self achievement. Long day before, deep in my mind i've been thingking about how i will continue my education into the next level in university. Since i was in junior high school i always have ambition to be an architecture, because i love drawing, i love design,i love art. That only the reason what i wanna be. So, with no doubt i have decided to enroll my self into the college, and i choose department of architectural engineering in first choice and civil engineering in the second. A few weeks later i h...